Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oct 12 This week in training....

Well this has not been a stellar week of training. I have been on nights for 2 weeks or so and it seems to hamper my training on those days. On my days off it is a little better. I missed Thursday's class and I really dislike it when I miss any class. I did get over to Roger's for a Kali class. It was great and learned some good stuff.

I do like the addition of a locks, sweeps or throws into the end of the drills. Also I like the drill where one person throws an attack and the other defends. You go back and forth up to 3 attacks/defense this could go higher. I like the drill because it helps me to move and you can vary the speed of the attacks.

I still need to incorporate more bag work into the workouts. I need to pick up the speed of all my kicks especially the Thia kicks. I use leg weights to increase the speed.

The one good thing that has gone on is that I have been able to get the park to work on the Katas. I have them down and now I just need to refine them to where each move is crisp. I also want to perform the Katas from memory without hesitation.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

and this too (adult)

This is too funny

Wing Chun Tenents

Tenets of Wing Chun include practicality, efficiency and economy of movement. Practitioners are sometimes encouraged to sense the energy behind their movements. The core philosophy becomes a useful guide to practitioners when modifying or refining the art.

[edit] Practicality
Wing Chun techniques emphasize practicality and efficiency to maintain its ideals on effectiveness. Strikes are intended to injure or disrupt the target. Efficiency in Wing Chun is based on the concept that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Likewise its primary targets all lie along the "centerline" of one's opponent.

[edit] Efficiency
Wing Chun believes in using the least amount of required force in any fighting situation. It believes properly timed positioning and movements can and should be used to defeat an opponent. This is achieved through balance, body structure and relaxation. The Chinese saying "4 taels to move 1000 catties" (referring to an old Chinese measurement system) is appropriate here in describing how a small amount of force, correctly applied, can deflect a powerful attack.
Wing Chun uses deflection and counter-attack in the same motion or will intercept the opponent to nulify an attack, rather than blocking then attacking in two separate motions. Further on interception the punch can act as a block as a consequence of the structure and the position of the arm travelling along its triangular "power-line" pathway to the opponent's "Core". This means that the opponent's attack is automatically deflected by the arm-structure of the Wing Chun practitioner as the counter-punch is delivered.
The "structure" permits this deflection to occur is controlled through the correct focus of energy from the "core" to the "elbow". If the structure is not in place, the counter-attack/interception is likely to break down losing the "forwarding" power which may result in the deflection failing and allowing the attacking punch to make its target.
In addition to efficiency being understood as the "shortest distance to the opponent's core" (which relates specifically to the speed of attack/counter-attack), it is also important to understand the importance of energy efficiency within Wing Chun. A person using Wing Chun is said to be able to defeat a stronger person because they are able to use their structure effectively. Given this, it is essential in ensuring that the Wing Chun practitioner has a full understanding of structure which enables them to use the correct use of energy required - any deviation from their "structure" resulting in using muscles in the shoulders will cause injury to the practitioner and also result in fatigue very quickly. This deviation removes the Wing Chun practitioners advantage since their "structure" will no longer support the defence/attack and vice versa. So the conclusion of the fight between two Wing Chun practitioners will be determined by the opponent with the stronger arms, shoulders and chin. However, certain techniques can allow a weaker person to win even if the said person is at a big disadvantage. Strikes that are surprising (for example: a variation in high and low attacks) can throw the stronger opponent off-balance and expose gaps in defense.

[edit] Economy of movement
Most Wing Chun attacks take the straightest possible path to the target (usually a straight line) to break the opponent's structure. Wing Chun theory focuses on the opponent's centerline, an imaginary vertical line bisecting the opponent's vitals (throat, heart, stomach, groin). The Wing Chun punch, for example, is delivered centrally from the practitioner's chest rather than diagonally from the shoulders in the first two forms. This helps teach the centerline concept. In the later forms, the punch is delivered diagonally from the shoulder to the centerline. This is because the distance is shorter than bringing the hand from the shoulder, to the center of the chest, and then down the centerline at the opponent.

I had no idea....

I had a talk with Mom the other night. Somehow how my exploits when I was a wee lad came up. Referencing hiking climbing and things. I said that it was all "her" that made me into who I am. If Mom and Dad did not decide to "put me on the floor" after my stroke to make me to go get whatever I wanted. If they didn't then who knows how I would have turned out. They gave me independance and a reliance on myself that I will always be grateful. There have been stumbles along the way but overall things have gone good.

I've often thought that this is why I got into the activitities I did. It could be several different factors but that the main one. I have always gone for non team activities. Those that only rely on the self. Golf, Hiking, Jogging, to a minor degree with rock climbing, biking. I think allot of it is that I am introverted and would rather be in small groups.

Anyway...The reason I am jotting this down is that Mom said she spent many a sleepless night worrying about what I was doing. Even though I would come home "unscathed" she would be up worrying as too what may have happened. Actually I do that as well in some aspects but its before,during and after the event. I cover all my bases. :)

It never really occured to me how my exploits would cause them to worry like that. Yes parents do that but to what degree I did not know.

"Being handicapped is a state of mind"

"Being handicapped is a state of mind"

To me it truly is. The only obsticle you have are the ones you place in front of yourself.

A case in point. It is why I never really liked the whole IQ thing. When someone is treated like they have an IQ of '70' then that person may only achieve that level. If someone believes that they or someone else, has no boundaries then they will do better in life than those with them.

Hope I am making sence this night shift is killing me...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October fun


This has been a good week a far as training is concerned. Monday was a good class. I actually had decent enegy levels. It seems to be a good idea to eat before I workout. I know, your thinking "What a concept" but when I was younger it seemed that I could work out better on an empty stomach or at least it seemed I always was working out that way. I recall I read that in a Muscle and Fitness magizine and since I was moderately still under the illusion I had the genetics to be a body builder, it seemed to make since at the time. I also recall dreaming I won the Mr. Olympia contest by posing only to the left..... I was 19 so cut me some slack :)

To be honest I have always tried to eat something before a workout but due to work or some other excuse I rarely did.

I have been using the elliptical more this week and my goal is to get up to 5 days a week. On my long work days I want to at least be on there for 10 minutes and when I have more time the "long run will be 20 working up to 45 minutes to an hour. Running with an IPOD makes the run more enjoyable.

On Wednesday I went to Roger Thompson's class. He is an 8th Degree in the organization and Rodney's brother. He is also a certified Kali instructor In working with Roger and training more in depth in Kali and what you can do in the system, it is a world of difference. It is like being led into a dark cathedral and someone turning on the lights.

I also went to the Park to work on the Katas. It was a great day the the geese were in rare form swarming anyone that may have food. I worked primarily on Hwa-Rang, the Brown Belt Kata. I also worked on Choong Moo my High Brown Kata. I feel that I have the movements commited to memory. Now I need to engrain muscle memory.

Tonight is another Kali night. It is going to be a blast.

I need to get my notebook information on Kali as well
video 2 handed drills
video Katas and one steps
video sparring matches